Decorative Concrete Installation, Restoration and Maintenance in Wetumpka, Auburn and Birmingham, AL
Our processes can be applied to new or existing concrete. We don’t use the stamping process in our application. We clean and prepare your existing concrete for staining, engraving or diamond polishing. If your concrete surface is new, we consult with your designer and builder to give you the best possible outcome according to your overall expectations. Allow your imagination to run wild when it comes to designing your concrete surface! For more on individual processes, view the links below.
Concrete can be decoratively finished in a number of ways. We use acid stains, water-based stains, concrete dyes and pigmented stains to accomplish beautiful unique artwork on your concrete surfaces. Depending on the situation and the application, we will determine which stain is best for your application.
Concrete engraving
The engraving process is just as it sounds. Most concrete surfaces can be mechanically engraved to fit any design or pattern that you can imagine. These designs can be as unique as you would like. Imagine drawing a design on a sheet of paper and then transferring that design to your concrete.
Diamond polishing is unlike most decorative concrete flooring in that there is no topical sealer applied to the surface to make it shine. Most concrete flooring you’ve seen is probably a surface that has a topical film forming sealer applied to it to add shine and reflectivity.
Precision Concrete Stain
The Precision Concrete Stain Colors can be used for interior or exterior concrete or concrete overlay systems. Each color on this chart is representative of the stain color being placed on a medium gray concrete background.
This system is usually applied on garage floors, locker rooms, commercial restrooms, auto repair shops, etc…
Metallic Epoxy Floor System
This flooring system offers an opaque floor covering that will cover up any interior concrete surface to provide one of the most evolutionary systems available in the decorative concrete world.

Over the last 10 years we have worked through many different facets of all decorative concrete processes. We have found that in order to be the most efficient for our builders and clients the jobsite conditions need to be finished out almost completely before we begin work. This will ensure that you get the best in quality and the most efficient process from us. All of the following items must be completed and ready before we can apply most decorative concrete systems on the job. If these conditions are not meet and are not available to us it will slow down progress considerably holding your job up as well as ours and ultimately costing more money. We appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions please let us know.
•Permanent power is on to the building
•220v service on a 30 amp breaker is available
•110v service on a 20 amp breaker is available
•Permanent lights are set and in working order so that we can see what we are working on
•Permanent HVAC is on and in good working order at least 3 days before we begin work. This will help draw out unwanted moisture out of the slab, allow for better drying times from the cleaning process allowing us to move forward faster, will help in guarding moisture issues that could arise in the finishing process. The slab must be acclimated by the HVAC to ensure we have done everything possible to guard against moisture issues.
•An on site clean water source must be available
•All other sub-contractors must be off of the floor area during the entirety of the decorative concrete installation process, including prepping time, stain application, finish application, and curing times between stages of the process. PFC can not be held responsible for contamination of any kind introduced by other trades or persons outside of PFC Employees.
Once we mobilize onto a jobsite we will stay on the job until completion of the work. Protection of the slab before, during, & after completion of the work is the responsibility of the builder or owner. We recommend the use of Builder Board or Ram Board to cover a floor before, during, and/or after the process is completed to ensure there is nothing that is introduced to the surface that may cause damage to the slab to be treated or the finished product. NEVER tape directly down to the concrete or the finished Job as it will cause tape residue to potentially damage the surface.
We understand that installing a decorative concrete surface can be challenging when there are a lot of unanswered questions, so we welcome them. We are here to make the clients experience with Decorative Concrete the best that it can be. Decorative Concrete finishes are many and each one of them have certain limitations when considering finishes, color selections, performance needs, economic needs, etc… We are here to help you decide what is best for you and your situation.
By signing attachment I understand the needed conditions of the job site listed above. I understand that if these conditions are not meet that PFC may not obligate itself to start the work. I understand that if these conditions are not meet and I insist that PFC start its work, that PFC will not be held responsible for adverse outcomes that can be associated with the above conditions not being meet.